Valuation By-pass Product

A few of our lenders have noticed increasing valuation costs and extending time frames to produce the valuation report therefore they are now using AVMs for suitable residential properties. What is an AVM? It is an 'automated valuation method' which is a process to value a property remotely. It uses several mathematical techniques and algorithms to provide a low, medium and high estimated value of a property, at a specific date. Why use an AVM? They are vital for time sensitive cases therefore they are a great product for deals that need a quick turnaround for example, auction purchases. Costs: An AVM can cost as little as £24 therefore are very cost efficientand keep our clients costs down. AVM Product Offerings: Loan to Values: Maximum LTV 80% (up to £300k loan size) or 70% LTV (up to £750k loan size). Interest Rates: From 0.59% per month Location: England, Scotland and Wales Term: Up to 12 months Reside
ntial properties only.