Important information relating to the changes to data protection laws coming into place on the 25th May 2018... With the new changes coming about GDPR, I am sending you this email to first of all thank everyone that has made us the success that we are today.

YOU are fundamental to our business and we rely on you for our continued success. I would love to remain in contact with you and for the purpose of my marketing be able to perform the occasional communication (via email / phone call) and I confirm the following:
I will only send marketing emails on the new products our panel lenders are offering and case studies we have recently completed on.
I will only share your contact information with others who I believe can use your services and/or you could benefit from theirs but only after contacting you first.
I will never sell or share your information with any 3rd parties for marketing purposes.
RFL's Specialities:
Bridging Finance
Rates from 0.25% per month.
Up to 100% funding without the need for additional security.
Loans from £26k to no upper limit.
Up to 80% LTV.
Exit fees from 0%.
Development Finance
Some of the best rates on the market.
Loans from £26k to no upper limit.
Up to 100% of the purchase and development costs.
Terms from 3 to 36 months.
Residential, Commercial or Mixed Use.
Re-Bridging Finance - Why you might want to Re-Bridge with RFL?
You want a better rate.
You need more time to sell or complete your property.
Your current bridging is looming default and you want to avoid heavy default charges.
If you would like a free, no obligation quote for your next project, please contact us on: 01942 665 305 or 07387 346 447