Available Loans to help you out during Covid 19

Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS):
What is the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme? CBILS is a government initiative to help UK small businesses affected by coronavirus to access finance. You can access up to £5m and the government guarantees 80% of the loan.
Are you eligible? • UK Based Business. • Turnover of up to £45 million. • Over 50% of Turnover from Trading Activity. Coronavirus Bounce Back Loans (BBLS):
What is the Coronavirus Bounce Back Loan?
BBLS enable smaller businesses to access finance faster during the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme helps small and medium-sized businesses to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000 capped at 25% of their turnover. The interest rate is fixed at 2.5% per annum with no interest charged or repayments made in the first 12 months with 100% of the loan guaranteed by the government.
For more information on both loans available email us on enquiries@restorefinance.co.uk.